SiriusPoint’s Victoria Howell Joins Lloyd’s Market Association Committee


Victoria Howell, Head of Program Management at SiriusPoint International, has been appointed to the newly-established Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) Delegated Authority – BAU Group. Victoria shares her thoughts on why industry bodies are important to the industry and what she hopes to achieve by joining forces with members from AXIS, Liberty, MS Amlin, Munich Re, and others.

“The LMA’s DABAU Group is the perfect conduit between insurance carriers and Lloyd’s. Each member of the Group shares common goals. By coming together, we can help to shape the future of delegated authority across the industry, and for the benefit of the wider market. With a focus on systems, processes and people, members and those we work with will be able to plan well, make informed decisions, and develop reporting within their own Companies.

“As we build our International strategy and drive our growth agenda at SiriusPoint, being part of the LMA Group helps us to align ourselves with industry best practice, keep up to speed with what’s happening in the industry, and to play a role in shaping the future of delegated authority.”

The LMABAU Group reports to the LMA Delegated Authority Committee (DAC). You can find out more about LMA DA groups, here.

Written by SiriusPoint